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5 Time management skills to make you more productive

Learn the art of time mastery and make it generational

May 31, 2024

Table of contents:

  1. What is time mastery?
  2. Why is time mastery important?
  3. What are the qualities of highly successful people?
  4. How does productivity help with goal achievement?
  5. Top ways to get rid of procrastination
  6. Time management skills to live by
  7. How can you empower your children's time mastery skills?
  8. Final thoughts


What is time mastery

Time mastery is more than just time management. It is mastering your time to create a high level of success around your goals. Ever wonder how successful people are able to accomplish as much as they do? Sure they have help but they practice and promote several tips and techniques that help them to create effective time management and time mastery. In this blog, I will explore the following: why is time mastery important? What are the habits of highly successful people? How does productivity help you to achieve your goals? How to get rid of procrastination fast? Time management tips that you must live by and incorporate why your network and association matter? Even how you can empower your children to also become master time management and pass on the knowledge.

Why is time mastery important?

Time mastery is important because it can make the difference between achieving your goals or being frustrated by your goals. Here's why:


Mastering your time allows you to have control over your destiny. If you can control your time and how you spend it, then you will feel as if you are accomplishing more.


Time mastery allows you to plan better. It allows you to create a plan that will help you to create the control that you crave.


A big part of time mastery is prioritizing. Having the ability to create lists around what is most important to what is least important.

What are qualities of highly successful people?

If a big part of time mastery is control, planning, and prioritization, then how do highly successful people do it. Most of the time highly successful people are not gifted or possess some natural talent not given to you and I. They do things that highly unsuccessful people don't do. Here's what they do:

Empowering Belief System

Highly successful people have a belief system that is mirrored around positivity. Simply put, they believe in their abilities. They avoid negative self-talk and focus more on positive affirmations. They believe that what they tell themselves is what they will become. Ask yourself: what should I stop telling myself right now to become more successful? What you believe about yourself can be highly empowering or it can create a cycle of self-defeating and even self deprecating actions. Here is a worksheet you can use to uncover more about your belief system. Why you believe the things you believe about yourself and what you can do to change your belief system. Click here to access your belief system worksheet.

Avid goal setters

Highly successful and even highly productive people are avid goal setters. They understand that life without goals is often void or meaningless. They focus their attention on setting goals as a way to create a measuring stick for their successes. Furthermore, they don't just stop at setting ordinary goals, they thrive to achieve goals that are not only achievable but also challenging. When they accomplish their goals at each challenge level, it allows them to see their growth. Goal setting and adjusting them along the way allows highly successful people to attain increased personal development at every step. Highly successful people understand the SMART Goal model( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely). This allows them to see less frustration while pursuing their goals.

Plan and prioritize