Original post: April 2022- Updated: July 2024
Table of contents:
- Introduction to 5 ways to solve any problem and stay out of crisis mode
- What is crisis mode
- Characteristic of a person in crisis mode
- 5 Ways to solve any problem and stay out of crisis mode
- 7 ways to avoid problems in the first place
- Summary and Final thoughts
Let's face it- problems are always going to exist in our lives, they are unavoidable no matter who you are. I have problems and I can bet anything you do as well. Accepting this will help you to learn how to deal with problems as they inevitably enter into your life. Most people go into crisis mode when they have problems, which only compounds the problem. In this post, I will explore 5 ways in which you can solve any problem without going into crisis mode. But first, let's explore what is crisis mode? What are the key characteristics of a person in crisis mode? I will also dive into 7 tips you can use to avoid problems in the first place.
What is crisis mode?
If you go into extreme panic anytime a problem comes up, then you are drifting into crisis mode. To give it a proper definition: crisis mode is panicking and thinking that the problem you are having is going to destroy you. Here are 5 characteristics of a person in crisis mode:
Characteristic # 1: Extreme thoughts
I alluded to it in my definition. But in crisis mode, your thoughts become extreme, they go to a place of the worst outcomes. You see things in your thoughts that have not happened yet and you convince yourself that they will happen.
Characteristic # 2: Low coping
When a person goes into crisis mode, their ability to cope is reduced and further spirals them into more crises. They might have difficulty leaving the house or sometimes getting out of bed. They just can't cope with what is happening around them. They view having a crisis as the worse thing in the world.
Characteristic # 3: Quick anger
Most people in crisis mode are quick to get angry. The crisis they are in overlaps with their ability to control their emotions and they tend to blow up at others.
Characteristic # 4: Feeling hopeless
Crisis mode is deceptive. It takes over your brain and tells you that there is no hope. That everything is pointless. It keeps you in a place of feeling like you have no future or no hope.
Characteristic # 5: Emotional warfare
When in crisis mode emotional warfare starts to play with your mind. The battle between shame, guilt and regret starts to create a war in your mind that fuels characteristic # 4(hopelessness).
5 Ways to solve any problem and stay out of crisis mode.
1) Don't focus on the problem
One of the most effective ways to solve any problem is not NOT focus on the problem! It sounds counterintuitive but here is why the answer to your problem will not be in the problem itself. First, focusing on the problem creates a cocktail for new problems. It doesn't allow you to see other related issues that might come from the original problem. For example, Michael is a 45 year old Mechanic who just found out that his landlord will kick him out of his apartment in 30 days if he doesn't pay up on his back rent. The obvious problem is that he will be evicted if he doesn't come up with the money. Each day he goes to work, the problem lingers on his mind and he starts to make mistakes and soon his boss starts to get complaints from his customers about their car. As you can see, Michael started off with one problem and now he has created another one. The threat of losing his job and his income. The first problem will not get solved and has now created a secondary problem.
2)Instead focus on the solution
If we continue with our example above, if Michael focuses on a solution or solutions to his problem, he will be in a better position to do something about his problem. For example, he can take on more hours at work to earn extra money. Which he can use towards this back rent. He could also sell some unwanted items to create more cash as well. Or even get a second job on the days he is not working at his mechanic job. If you notice, having solutions to your problem and focusing only on the solution will allow you to make major advancement toward solving the problem. While figuring out solutions, it is also important to stay true to your values. Naming and knowing your values is a great way to stay in alignment and feel good about things. Read this related blog post, if you need help: 5 Ways to know if your values are aligned with your goals
3) Ask for help
Many people have trouble asking for help and this is one of the biggest detriment to problem solving. Having the courage to ask friends or family members to help you solve a problem is honorable. It is not the weak that seek help, it is the strong. The strong realize that they are limited by their own resources and seeking out additional hands or resources will help them to overcome their problem.
4) Brainstorming 101
A lot of people underestimate the power of brainstorming. They don't actually take the time to sit down and put on paper possible solutions to their problem or problems. Having a brainstorming session either with yourself or someone you trust is also a great way to focus on the solution and not the problem. In your brainstorming activity to problem solving, you can write down the pros and cons to every solution that you come up with. This way when you make a decision as to what to do, you can see visually which solutions make the most sense. Don't know where to start? Use our Action Brainstorming Assessment worksheet by clicking on the picture below.
Related content: How to create a mind map in 2024?
5) Do nothing
Depending on the problem, sometimes, doing nothing can actually help you figure out your problem. We are always fooled into thinking that every problem has to be solved in a fast manner. This is simply not true! Some problems require you to steady yourself and figure out what to do next. Similar to the 24 hour cool off rule, which in essence says not to respond to any confrontation via email or phone until you have had 24 hours to simmer down. Same rule here, when confronted with a problem, if you have time to figure it out then use the time. Problem solving cool down will allow you to better brainstorm possible solutions. If you are a spiritual person, this should be your opportunity to pray on the problem and listen for the answer from God. What is he telling you to do? Doing nothing can be one of the biggest ways to stay out of crisis mode. It also helps you to focus on a time ready solution.
5 tips to help you avoid problems
Crisis mode should be avoided at all times and I have given you 5 ways to solve any problem before entering into crisis mode. But, what can you do to avoid or reduce the number of problems you have in the first place? How can you minimize the amount of problems that you will face in your life? Here are 7 ways that you can avoid problems and avoid crisis mode in the first place:
1) Evaluate your values
I can't say enough about why values are important. Your values are a measuring stick for everything you do. They serve as a guide to help you stay true to yourself. Sometimes problems in our lives come because we are not living through our values. Not knowing what you believe in right not( not what you believed in 10 years ago) can be why you are inviting problems and issues into your life. Naming your current values can help you to do the following:
Discovery- discover who you are as a person
Strengthen- strength to know that you have impact
Accomplishment- create a heightened awareness about your growth
Connection- help you connect to others on a deeper level
If you know who you are and what you stand for, then it becomes harder to fall for things that are outside of your values.
Related content: My Alphabet Values Worksheet
2) Growth mindset
If you are not committing yourself to growing, then the way you look at problems in your life will also be a product of your immaturity. When was the last time you did something that would help you grow as a person? When was the last time you read a book about how to elevate your circumstances? If you think of your journey as a continuous growing loop where it never ends, then you will become a more informed person. A more informed person tends to make better decisions. Why? Because they make decisions based on having all the facts. An ignorant decision means more problems.
Related content: Top reasons why ignorance is the # 1 cause of death
Invite gratitude into your life. It is hard to focus on problems when you are being thankful for your journey. Find things on a daily basis that you can be thankful for. Even find the gem inside that problem that you think you are having. Yes, you might be going through something but what can you do to "glass half full" that problem. Open yourself up to focusing on gratitude instead of just your problems. You will find that your problems will lose their power over you very fast.
Patience is a hard one for most people and I have to confess that it is probably the biggest weakness that I have. I am working on it and everyday I am growing more and more patient.. Being patient and not rushing into things can make a huge difference in whether you go into crisis mode or not. If patience is a big weakness of yours- go back to my problem solving solution # 5- which is to do nothing. When issues come up, if you can give it some time before addressing it or making a decision, then do so. If you rush into some major decisions then a crisis will eventually creep into the mix and now you have a major issue.
Most people use the words- "I'm so happy." or "you make me happy." or "that makes me happy." What they are really doing is attaching something or someone to their inner peace. Happiness is dependent upon something happening in your life. That means if that something is not present then your happiness is affected. Instead focus on Joy! Joy is an intentional position you take no matter what is going on in your life. Joy says: "I am going to be happy no matter what." If you seek Joy over happiness then when problems come into your life, you will see them as they are- temporary. A fleeting moment in your life that will pass. Pursuing Joy is a great way to stay out of crisis mode. Joy stabilizes your way of being and nothing can disrupt your inner peace.
Related content: How to improve your life in 2024?
Summary/Final thoughts
We all have problems but drifting into crisis mode is never ideal. A person in crisis mode tends to exhibit extreme thoughts, is quick tempered, feels hopeless, and engages in emotional warfare. None of these things are good for your well being. If you do end up with problems, here are some great ways to solve your problems and stay out of crisis mode:
1) Don't focus on the problem- this makes the problem even worse
2) Focus on solutions- Becoming a solutions oriented person will help you to move away from the problem faster- Use my Solutions Focused worksheet to help you focus on solutions- Click here.
3) Ask for help- this one is a brave choice. Asking for help is for the strong, nothing weak about it.
4) Incorporate brainstorming- sit down and put on paper what are possible solutions and what is good or bad about them. Use a mind map if you have to help you create related links faster. Read my post: How to create a mind map in 2024?
5) Do nothing- you don't always have to come up with a solution right away to your problem. If your problem does not urgently need an answer then just retreat into the solitude of silence and wait.
To avoid problems in the first place, try these 7 tips to keep crisis from even entering into your life:
1) Live through your values- if you identify and live through your values then you will create less problems for yourself.
2) Grow, Grow, Grow- having a growth mindset will help you to make more informed decisions.
3) Eliminate drama- inviting drama into your life will invite problems into your life. Avoid drama at all cost.
4) Be grateful- what are you thankful for today? Asking yourself this question will shift your mind from focusing on problems. Gratitude works.
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