Table of contents:
- Introduction: What is optimism?
- Why optimism in important
- How will optimism improve your life
- Myths of Optimism
- 5 Ways to become more optimistic
- Ways to stay more optimistic
- Final thoughts
What is optimism?
With all that we have had to endure as humans over the last four years, it seems Optimism is an elusive love bug that doesn't seem to bite anymore or often. What does optimism mean?The Cambridge Dictionary defines Optimism as " the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the good parts of a situation, or a belief that something good will happen." The good news is that becoming more optimistic about your life can be a learned behavior in which intentional acts become necessary. In this post, I will go into 5 Ways to Become More Optimistic. But first, let me go into a few things that are foundational to you becoming more optimistic. Such as why optimism is important? Common myths about optimism and ways to sustain your optimism.

It might seem like an easy question. Why is optimism important? Think about it for a second before reading further. Why would it be important for you to be more optimistic in your own life? Whatever you come up with will help you to navigate through your experience with optimism. Here's my take on why optimism is important:
1) Promotes longevity
Being optimistic allows you to stick to a long haul focus. It creates something for you to look forward to in the future. It promotes a focus of long-term endurance instead of a focus on immediate gains or losses.
2) Promotes goal creation
Goals are meant to motivate us into achieving something important. Optimism is the key to fueling our goals because there will be bumps in the road. Optimism tells us not to give up on our goals. It pushes us and helps to rally us when we are feeling down.
3) Promotes hard work
If you are feeling optimistic about your life or your job, it helps you to want to put your best foot forward. It promotes hard work.

How will optimism improve your life?
1)Better health
Optimistic people are healthier because the feelings that come from being optimistic work toward better health in your body. Contrast that to people who are always negative or pessimistic-- they tend to have more health problems and issues.
2) Better sleep
If you are an optimistic person, then better sleep is a by-product of your optimism. Optimistic people tend to worry less and therefore have a better chance of falling asleep and enjoying a deeper, more fulfilling sleep.
3) Better relationships
Optimistic people attract other optimistic people. This helps to enhance the quality of your relationships. There is a deeper connection that can be formed when you foster relationships that are positive in nature. You tend to spend more time with the people around you(well the optimistic ones anyway). Which only helps to create better relationships overall. Also, when you are a happier person, more people want to be around you. Your happiness becomes infectious!

Myths about optimism
Myth # 1: Bad things don't happen to you
Does optimism mean bad things don't happen? The quick answer to this is no. Optimism does not insulate you from having bad occurrences in your life. Optimism, however, helps you in learning how to handle bad occurrences . It teaches you how to react to negative situations and gives you an advantage when dealing with the obstacles that life
Myth # 2: Optimistic people always makes wise decisions
Although optimism is a great disposition,sometimes people use it to fuel unwise decisions. They think that they can participate in unhealthy behavior because optimism will save them from it. This is a myth. If an optimistic person walked in front of a moving bus, will their optimism save them from this choice? The clear answer is no! There still is a responsibility that comes with optimism.
Myth # 3: Optimism is an inherited behavior
I have heard people say things like: "he is optimistic because he comes from optimism." Optimism can be a learned behavior, it is not always inherited. So you too can become more optimistic if you choose.
Myth # 4: Optimistic people are always realistic
Some people use optimism to avoid deep rooted problems in their life. They gloss over them to the point that they create an unrealistic outlook on their life. For example, someone who drinks a lot and uses alcohol to fuel their optimism is fooling themselves. If getting drunk makes you more optimistic, then it is delusional optimism. Whatever happiness is gained from drinking is only temporary and highly dependent on your next drink.

5 Ways to become more optimistic
1)Seek out humor
One of the best ways to create optimism in your life is to always seek out things that are funny or humorous. For example, think carefully about your life right now and think of one or two things that you can laugh about. Was it a horrible date you went on but now thinking back on it, you can now laugh about it? Or was it that Zoom meeting job interview that did not go so well. Furthermore, seeking out the humor in your everyday life situations is a great way to create optimism. Another equally important aspect is that humor forces us to see the positive side of what we are experiencing. Moreover, laughter triggers some pretty good physical responses in your body, such as stimulating your heart, lungs and muscles and sending endorphins that are released by your brain. Cause and effect of laughter and positivity are well documented. So find time to laugh more.
2)Find the Lesson
In Addition to seeking humor, finding the lessons in your difficult situation is a sure way to turn a negative situation into a positive outlook. If you focus on what was so bad about your experience or experiences, you will miss the life lesson or what was positive about it. Finding the life lesson allows you to see what could be possible if you applied what you just learned. Seeing what is possible creates an optimistic outlook to your future self.
3)Practice Visualization
Optimism can be created in the boldness of your mind. Practice seeing what you would like to happen in your life. Visualize it daily until it becomes your reality. The mind is the most powerful muscle and is oftentimes under utilized. Practice seeing your goals come to life. Tell your brain that it has already happened. See yourself getting that promotion at work. Or losing weight or finding the partner of your dreams. A great way to practice visualization is through Meditation. In this eBook: A Beginner's Guide to Meditation, get an introduction to this ancient but effective tool.
Related content: Success Traits: How do successful people achieve greatness?
4)Associate correctly
One of the ways in which we kill our optimism is by hanging around negative people. People who love being in the valley- they thrive on it, and love to keep you there too with them. Associate yourself with the correct kind of people. People who enjoy optimism. People who will challenge you to be your best and actually want the best for you. Positive and optimistic people shed off an energy that is oftentimes very contagious. Seek out these kinds of people often!
5)Values Check
Lastly, are you not very optimistic because you are not living through your values? Are you falling short on your goals because your values are out of alignment with what you are trying to accomplish? In this FREE member course, I tap into this in my VSAAA mini Course- how to uncover and name your values and live through them to create a more successful outcome in your life. Make optimism a way of life. Engrain it into everything you do, your belief system and your actions.

3 Ways to sustain your optimism
1) Be intentional
Being intentional and choosing to be optimistic is really important. Anything in life takes work. It takes effort and creating intent in who we want to become. Even on those days where it is hard to be positive. Seek out positivity instead of negativity.
2) Be Thankful
A thankful disposition promotes feelings of positivity. If you can find reasons each day to be thankful, then optimism will become easier for you. Everyday, wake up with gratitude in your heart as soon as you start your day.
3) Be of service
I can't encourage people enough to be of service to others. I feel like a broken record on this one, but being of service to others is an energy booster that most people overlook. When you serve others, it instills this joy inside of you that can only spill over into the cradle of your heart. Helping others is one of the best ways you can actually help yourself. It is a purposeful attribute we must all aspire to doing.
Final Thoughts
Being optimistic means to be full of hope. It means allowing yourself to feel a certain way about your life even when it is hard to do so. Optimism is not only good for you current self but also your future self. It promotes longevity, goal creation, and hard work. Being more optimistic will improve your life in several ways- better sleep, better overall health and better relationships. But, don't be fooled by optimism, it does have its caveat:
- It does not insulate you from having problems in your life.
- Optimism does not mean you can make unwise or unsafe decisions because it will save you from them.
- It is not always inherited, it can be a choice
- Realism and optimism are not always positively correlated.
To get more optimism in your life, try these 5 things: seek humour, find the lesson, associate correctly, practice visualization, and evaluate your values. Staying optimistic also involves putting in some work. You have to be intentional, show some gratitude, and be of service.
What does optimism look like in your life?
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