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5 Tips for the discouraged blogger

Try these tips to help you to keep writing your blog!

June 14, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Why do I have a blog?
  • Why does any blogger blog
  • Three common blogging challenges
  • 5 Tips to overcome blogging discouragement
  • Final thoughts


If you are a blogger, then you know that it comes with its own set of problems. One of which is discouragement. You spend time either coming up with blog content, then writing blog content and then putting it out there in the hopes of someone reading it. The discouragement comes when you realize that the effort does not equal the same level of success. As a blogger, I can relate! I try to write a new blog or refresh some newbie type blog posts on a weekly basis. But, I find that the amount of time I am spending doesn't always equate to increased readers. Which is the goal of every blogger- to get your article in front of as many people as possible. Blogging can take a lot of you. I know it takes a lot out of me if I am being honest. In this post, dedicated to the discouraged blogger, I am going to focus on ways you can get beyond the discouragement and move into consistency and perseverance. I will go into why I blog? Why does any blogger blog? What are some of the challenges of a blogger, especially if you are a mom blogger? What are some things every blogger can do in order to keep going? I will give me my 5 tips that every blogger needs to hear in order not to give up.

Why do I have a blog?

For me, blogging is an outlet. It is a way for me to communicate my thoughts with the world without opening my mouth. I enjoy the idea of expressing myself in a way that can create impact and help others feel like they learned something from me. I started this platform as a way to give back all the knowledge that I have acquired over the years professionally and personally. I wanted to start the process of creating my impact. Next Level Gurus grew out of this idea that wisdom is truly the key to anyone's success. Through wisdom, we are able to make more informed and better decisions. And truth be told, be able to create some kind of income from blogging. Again, not my first motivation but it does exist in the possibility of blogging and I want it to exist for me too. These are my reasons but here are some other reasons why bloggers blog:

Why does any blogger blog?

1) Knowledge sharing

I touched on this one in my reason for blogging. Sharing with others through a blog or blogging is a major reason why someone takes up blogging. I personally like to share anything to do with business and coaching. This is because it is something that I think I know something about. Most bloggers stick to this same concept by picking a particular niche and writing consistently about it.

2) Monetary Gain

Blogging can be a very lucrative endeavor but it can take many years to get to a point where it pays all your bills. Hence, the reason why bloggers get discouraged. The financial reality of not making enough money to replace what you were doing while blogging can hit you hard as a blogger. But it is possible to earn money by blogging.

3) Creative outlet

I know I like to write more than I speak. Writing is a way to express myself with deeper enrichment of my thoughts. This is also true for most bloggers. It is a creative outlet where you get to create your own perspective on a particular topic.

So, I have touched on the whys of blogging. But here are some of the challenges especially if you are a mom blogger. As a blogger who is a mom, I can relate to all of these.

Three common blogging challenges

Challenge # 1: Time is not your friend

Finding time to write quality blogs with children in the mix is sometimes nearly impossible. Raising kids can be an all consuming endeavour and it really doesn't leave much time for anything else. The good news is that if you learn good time management skills, then you can still have some kind of shot at regular blog posts. Here are 5 time management skills to make you more productive. Time mastery with kids is possible. I manage to write blogs posts on a weekly basis. Some weeks are harder than others.

Challenge # 2: Writer's block

Whatever should I write about this week? This can become the million dollar question for any blogger. There are days or weeks where ideas are flowing. But, there are days when you can't even think of two sentences to put together. You have writer's block! I know I have experienced it several times. It kinda cripples your consistency and moves you toward discouragement. Here are some things you can do to get over writer's block:

Gratitude- In its simplest form, start with gratitude. When you don't know what to write about, write about what you are thankful for. This will enable you to infuse thankfulness into your heart allowing the wells of creativity to pour out. I know it sounds strange, how can gratitude help me write about my niche or something very specific in my niche? It doesn't! What gratitude does is it frees you of negativity, it is a cleanser for your spirit. Having a thankful deposition helps you to see what you are capable of in a different way. Gratitude Works- Try it!

 Connect with nature- There is something powerful about connecting with nature. The majestic splendor of the trees, the birds or the flowing power of water is divine. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? Connecting with nature is another way to enrich your senses and fuel your creativity. What becomes possible in your writing? Where can you connect the inspiration of the beauty around you to the wonderful things that you can write about?

Give back- When I get caught up in myself and my woes and my problems, then I know it is time to give back. To be of service to others. There is something enduring about helping someone else when you are in need of help yourself. I'm a person that believes in ripples- there are bad ripples but there's also good ripples. Ripples of kindness only create ripples of other kindness. Helping someone else when you are feeling like you have nothing to write about might actually give you something to write about. Draw from the inspiration of others by really listening to echoes of their heart. How can you use this experience in your writing? What connections can you draw from the high you will get from helping others.

Challenge # 3: Lack of Audience

This one gets to me more than anything else. When you feel as if you are just writing to yourself. You do your best to create some great blog content only to have it get buried in the blog cemetery. You know where all unread blogs go when they die. It is so discouraging!!! I don't know about you but I want a bigger audience. Like I said, my goal is to help as many people as possible through wisdom and if no one is reading what I am writing, then I am not really accomplishing my goal at all. Which is to transfer knowledge to others.

With all these challenges, it makes you ask yourself sometimes- "Is blogging for me?" I have asked myself this same question and I know many bloggers asking that too. The conclusion I came up with is yes blogging is for me and it can be the same answer for you too. Here's what I have been doing to help deal with the discouragement that comes with blogging.

5 Tips to overcoming blogging discouragement

Tip # 1: Connect with other bloggers

I figured if I am not the only one blogging and therefore others must be facing the same issues that I am facing with blogging. I decided to join as many helpful blogging communities as I possibly can. So I went on Facebook and joined a bunch of groups geared at helping and supporting bloggers. Sure, some of them are trying to sell products by creating the group but they are a great way to connect with others in the blogging community. The key here is to not just use these groups to promote your blogs but genuinely have an interest in reciprocating the support you are given. I do not post anything unless I have time and willing to read and comment on other blogs. Here are the ones I joined below, click the link above each image and it will take you right to their page.

Bloggers community

Boss Girl Bloggers

Tip # 2: Pray or Meditate

A lot of people underestimate the power and strength that comes from praying. For me as an identifying Christian, praying grounds me. It allows me on the days where I am feeling discouraged to have a conversation with God. Prayer allows me to seek wisdom and patience from my God, which gives me the strength to keep going. If you are not a praying person, then use meditation to center you and ground you into keeping focused. Here is how to meditate:

  • Sit in a quiet room
  • Close your eyes
  • Breathe in and breathe out(about 15-20 minutes)
  • Focus on a particular question or situation in your thoughts
  • Find peace in where your thoughts end after your meditation session
  • Repeat daily or at your own comfort level

Tip # 3: Don't stop learning

This one is huge! When we stop learning then we stop growing. I am a big advocate of gaining wisdom. As I said, I created this site and blog to transfer as much of my wisdom to others as possible. Join me in this community. It is Free. I do sell items in my store but most of the knowledge here is absolutely free. I try to update the membership portion of the site as much as possible. Click here to join now. Also, commit to taking as many courses as possible and reading as much as possible. In my blog post: Top 10 reasons why ignorance is the #1 cause of death, I go into great detail about why ignorance is a death trap for so many people. In this day and age, wilful ignorance as a blogger should not be your portion.

Tip # 4: Put yourself out there

This one is hard for me and I am sure it is hard for most bloggers as well. You want to engage yet you want to hold back or maintain some control over your privacy. But, as a blogger, you have to learn to put yourself out there. Tell more people about what you are doing. Post your blog in as many places as will allow you to post your blog. Elicit constructive feedback that will help you grow as a blogger. Chances are the same problem that you have as a blogger, someone else has the same issue and can most likely help you get through it faster.

Tip # 5: Be patient

Being patient is a hard one. Blogging success will not happen overnight. It takes time, so let your blog grow and be patient. I know this is easier said than done. I struggle with patience but I have learned that if I am consistent and keep at it, keep growing and keep putting myself out there then something good will happen. And, I know good things will happen for you too.

Final thoughts

Blogging comes with many challenges from lack of time, writer's block, to lack of an audience. The good news is that these challenges can be overcome by connecting with others, creating time to pray or meditate, committing to constant learning, putting yourself out there and being patient. I know how discouraging blogging can be but don't give up. Instead give into tips and techniques that have worked for others before and will work for you as well.

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